NComputing L L300 Terminal Computer - VGA - Network (RJ-45) - 2 USB Port (N) Ver maior
NComputing L L300 Terminal Computer - VGA - Network (RJ-45) - 2 USB Port (N)

* As imagens apresentadas são apenas ilustrativas e podem não coincidir com o produto, uma vez que os fabricantes podem alterá-los sem aviso prévio.

Part-Numbers (P/N) Referências e Modelos do Fabricante
  • L300
  • 500-0096

NComputing L300 Terminal Computer - VGA - Network (RJ-45) - 2 USB Port (N)

ID: 167639


Full Screen Video, 2 x USB 2.0, 10/100 ethernet, VGA, USB 1.1 for keyboard & mouse, Black

The L300 is a game-changing virtual desktop client device. Its sleek low-power design and form factor is easily mounted on a monitor or secured to a desk. Powered by NComputing's Numo System on a Chip (SoC), the L300 client device costs less than any other thin- or zero-client options and is a quarter of the cost of typical desktop PCs. With the ability to connect up to 100 L300 user sessions to a single NComputing vSpace server, the combination provides a simple and powerful desktop virtualization solution at one-third the price of traditional alternatives.

- Performs in Your Environment – Whether playing DVD-quality full-screen video or connecting specialized USB 2.0 devices, the L300 has the power and flexibility to work in a wide variety of environments and in the way you need it to.
- Fits Your Budget - Today and Tomorrow - The L300 redefines performance and value for thin-client or zero-client devices. A complete solution can be deployed for less than half the cost of PCs with ongoing management savings of 75% and power savings over 90%.
- Easy to Deploy – Whether you need four workstations in a remote branch office or four thousand for a corporate campus, the L300 is deployed easily and quickly using vSpace management tools.
- Easy to Manage – The L300 is a zero management client. Once deployed, there are no applications, software or drivers to manage on the device. vSpace Server centrally handles firmware changes without requiring user intervention.

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Caraterísticas deste produto

Warranty 3 months


Produto produzido por: HP

Fundada em 1939 a visão da Hewlett Packard ou HP consiste em criar tecnologia que melhore a vida de todos, onde quer que estejam. Em 2002 ocorre a fusão entre HP e a Compaq Computer Corporation formando a HPQ. Em novembro de 2015 a Hewlett Packard divide-se em duas frentes HP Inc. e a Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). Sendo que a HPE foca-se apenas em servidores, armazenamento, networking, consultoria e suporte, todos os outros produtos são comercializados pela HP Inc

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