Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000) Ver maior
Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)
  • Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)
  • Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)

* As imagens apresentadas são apenas ilustrativas e podem não coincidir com o produto, uma vez que os fabricantes podem alterá-los sem aviso prévio.

Part-Numbers (P/N) Referências e Modelos do Fabricante
  • D68054-000
  • CTR-270100-IT-RSU-00R

Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)

ID: 31945


The Elo Touch Solutions IntelliTouch controllers are designed to work specifically with IntelliTouch SAW touchscreens. Building technology with coordinating components enables a much smoother design and user experience.

The 2701 series controller is a single touch unit that works through serial interface or via USB. It is a full-speed, self-powered, USB device. By default, the controller communicates over a RS-232 serial link. If, however, a USB cable is connected, the controller switches to an exclusively USB communicating mode.

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Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)

Elo Touch IntelliTouch 2701 Series Controller Single-Touch (D68054-000)

The Elo Touch Solutions IntelliTouch controllers are designed to work specifically with IntelliTouch SAW touchscreens. Building technology with coordinating components enables a much smoother design and user experience.

The 2701 series controller is a single touch unit that works through serial interface or via USB. It is a full-speed, self-powered, USB device. By default, the controller communicates over a RS-232 serial link. If, however, a USB cable is connected, the controller switches to an exclusively USB communicating mode.

D68054-000 Download Drivers
D68054-000 Product Overview
D68054-000 Data Sheet

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Elo Touch

Produto produzido por: Elo Touch

A Elo Touch inventou o touchscreen há mais de 40 anos e não para desde então. A cada 57 segundos, um novo painel de toque Elo Touch é instalado em algum lugar do mundo.

A Elo Touch tem um portfólio de produtos que inclui uma ampla seleção de paineis touchscreen interativos de 10 a 70 polegadas, computadores touchscreen tudo-em-um, paineis sensíveis ao toque, controladoras touchscreen e monitores touchscreen.

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